2023 PSAS Convention Working Committees
Convention Chair: Dr. Claro Mingala
Technical Committee
Chair: Dr. Mary Joy Cañolas Co-Chair: Dr. Paul Limson
Members: Dr. Karlo Gicana, Dr. Danilda Duran, Dr. Dinah Loculan, PSAS Visayas Representative
Souvenir Program Committee
Chair: Dr. Maria Cynthia R. Oliveros
Members: Ms. Kamla Lavadia, Ms. Camille Ganio
Scientific Paper and Poster Committee
Chair: Dr. Joseph Dela Cruz
Members: Dr. Jay Conejos, Prof. Julie Ross M. Datuin, Ms. Karla T. Gayosa
PRC CPD Committee
Chair: Dr. Julienne Maria Undine, Paz H. Quimio Members: Ms. Karla Joy T. Gayosa
Physical Arrangement, Food and Participant’s Welfare Committee
Chair: Dr. Manuel Gacutan, Jr.
Members: Dr. Dinah Loculan, Dr. Adrian Ibañez, PSAS Visayas Chapter Representative
Finance Committee
(Budget, Funding, Solicitation, Exhibitors, Disbursement, Financial report)
Chair: Dr. Noel B. Lumbo Co-chair: Ms. Ione G. Sarmago
Members: PSAS Visayas Chapter Representative
Registration and Secretariat
Chair: Dr. Cynthia Oliveros Co-Chair: Ms. Kamla Lavadia
Member: Ms. Kristine Camille Tenorio
Standing Awards Committee
Chair: Dr. Jesus Antonio Derije, Co-Chair: Dr. Caro B. Salces
Member: Dr. Cynthia Oliveros