Dr. Ginting is a professor of the University of North Sumatra located at Medan, Indonesia. She studied at IPB University. She earned her Master Degree at Murdoch University, Western Australia, and Ph.D. degree at University of Sumatera Utara followed by a short programme at Murdoch University. She has publications in international scientific journals, book chapters, and conference proceedings. Her interest in the field of animal health and production system does not reduce her interest in the field of bioenergy. 

She was selected as one of the influential women in the field of bioenergy by the University of Doolittle, USA. She is also a reviewer for international journals and chief editor for her program study journal. Currently, her interest in conducting research on biodisinfectants is becoming a challenge related to diseases in livestock due to microbial factors. Her consistent research supports animal health, the environment, and food security.